turistautak.hu térképrészleteK+ jelzés GPS-szel
[ english
, keyman1 hozzászólásai
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keyman1hozzászólásai | válasz erre | 2007.07.13 02:27:31 (1369)

it works !!! :-)
I have installed the Typfile from this site:
I don´t no which changed, but also my own type files
works now and can be transferred with mapsource.

thanks a lot

keyman1hozzászólásai | válasz erre | 2007.07.12 16:31:28 (1368)
Hello spork,

Product ID is correctly set in to the Typfile.
The problem is I can´t send the desired datas to my unit.

Best wishes


[_drawOrder] .....

keyman1hozzászólásai | válasz erre | 2007.07.12 15:34:03 (1365)
Hello spork,

yes, I have tested with some other maps, work perfectly.
In the regitry has turistautak one subkey “turistautak”,
With other maps is subkey always the “1”
I have tested with both subkeys, without success.
Any idea?

Best wishes

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


"installed"="2007.07.11 20:49:03"

"installed"="2007.07.11 23:29:36"

keyman1hozzászólásai | válasz erre | 2007.07.12 13:28:33 (1363)
Dear GPS-friends,

I am German, regrettably I are unable to write Hungarian.
I tested your map, congratulation its very great!
Is it possible to use this Map with a "Typfile"?
I tested it with my type files and was display correctly the
changes in mapsource.
If I want the map send to the GPS-Unit the transfer broken
off with an error message.
Without type file the transfer functions perfectly.
What wrong do I make?

Best wishes

App: MapSource
At: 7/12/2007 11:09:19 AM (UTC)
OS: Windows XP Service Pack 2
Processor: x86, Processor Level: 6, Processors:1, Model: 9

Stepping: 5, RAM: 1309680
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